Our services
We offer a wide range of services:Proofreading
If you need something proofread quickly and accurately, we can respond to urgent proofreading jobs.Editing
If you have a technical document that needs polishing, we have over 25 years’ experience of both copy-editing and on-screen editing.Non-English authors
We have considerable experience of working with texts written (in English) by non-English authors.Subject specialisms
While we are willing to handle general non-technical material, we do have some particular specialisms:- architecture
- building/construction (inc. carpentry and joinery, plumbing, plastering, bricklaying)
- communications
- computing
- electronics
- engineering
- information technology
- mathematics
- networks
- physics
- programming
- transport
Materials handled
We deal with books, magazines, websites, papers and theses – indeed anything where the written word is used for communication purposes. We will help you to communicate more clearly, concisely, accurately and effectively.Recent major customers
Building Research Establishment, ConstructionSkills, Macmillan, OUP, Pearson, the RIBA, Wiley-Blackwell ...... but we’re just as happy helping private individuals – and we don’t charge VAT!