Archive Publications

Macros for Editors

is a free book, which you can download (version: 8 June 2024). It contains over 1000 macros that will help with a range of different tasks around writing and editing using Microsoft Word.

With the computer’s help, you can have …

Greater accuracy

Computers are good making repetitive changes – they don’t get bored and tired and then miss things.

Greater speed

Not only can they speed up the repetitive jobs, but while you are reading, you can use them to make small changes so that you can maintain your focus on the meaning of the text.

More enjoyment

If the computer is doing the boring bits, you can enjoy the challenge of engaging with the text, improving the way the ideas are communicated and just reading an interesting book!

Latest development

We're trialing a new way to make the information in the book available. Here it is again, but as a set of individual web pages. Do let us know what you think. Is it easier as web pages or as a single download, as previously?

Macros for Editors

General introduction

Introduction to macros

Downloading and running macros

Favourite tools of editors

Favourite tools of proofreaders

Proofreading a book – a possible workflow

Book editing – a possible workflow

Tools for different aspects of editing

Macro Menu – complete macro tool list

Textual analysis

Main pre-editing tool – FRedit

Pre-editing tools

Editing – text change

Editing – information

Editing – highlighting

Editing – navigation

Editing – comment handling

Editing – track changes

Other tools

Appendix 1 – Codes for F&R

Appendix 2 – Codes for non-wildcard F&R

Appendix 3 – Codes for wildcard F&R

Appendix 4 – Some useful wildcard expressions

Appendix 5 – ASCII codes

Appendix 6 – Useful unicode numbers

Appendix 7 – Sample stylesheet

Appendix 8 – Sample FRedit list

Appendix 9 – Word 365 options

Appendix 10 – Word 365 menu items

Appendix 11 – Word 2010 options

Appendix 12 – Backing up the Normal Template

Appendix 13 – Word Macro Techniques

Appendix 14 – Video list

Appendix 15 – Macros on video

Appendix 16 – FRedit library

Appendix 17 – Sample MultiSwitch list